Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New preschool class offered on Fridays during TWIST & KWEST!

 Since I (Shannon!) am expecting a baby ANY day now, I do not know when we will open Countryside Playschool again (for more than playdates).  I am delighted that Juli is stepping up to fill the void while I enjoy the new baby (if he ever gets here!)!  Here is some info on the upcoming class:

So as you may have heard we are changing things for Kwest this next semester and adding bright beginnings. I am looking forward to this change- I think it will be more age appropriate for our little ones and better for the teachers too!
In case you don't know who I am: I am Juli Bounds, mother of Selah, Seanna, Kai Kai, Sofe, Shamarah (AKA. Marshy) and new baby Seth. I taught in Kwest last year the God's World class. Because we have a lot of preschool age kids this year we decided it would be good to have the BB group.
So here is what I have planned:
Bright Beginnings is for preK and kindergarten ages: basically 3-6yr
Be sure your 3 yr old is interested in school though - I recommend they should be older and mature 3 yr olds. You know your 3 yr old!
If you are unsure of whether your 6 yr old should be in Kwest or bright beginnings - base it on whether they can read or not. Kwest is designed for readers and BB is for non-readers.
We will be doing preschool activities in BB: I want to reinforce things they are learning at home and give a place they can practice with friends. We will do letters, colors, seasons, animals, art, music, PE... It will be a structured time.
I have decided to do the same time frame as Kwest and Twist as this is more convenient for those of us with kids in multiple groups. However for those of you who like the shorter schedule I have designed our BB time to work for you as well. The first and last 30 minutes of our time together will be learning centers. You may arrive any time during this first half hour and pick up anytime during the last half hour. However please if possible respect our class time and have your kids there in time for our first class and don't pick them up before we are done.

12:30-1:00 learning centers (arrival)
1:00-1:30 Class Time
1:30-2:00 snack & PE
2:00-2:30 Class Time
2:30-3:00 learning centers (pick up)

SNACK > Please send a water bottle and a simple to open healthy snack with your child.

SUPPLIES > What the kids already have from the previous semester is fine: pencil box with basic supplies, crayons, pencil, glue...
> If you have any age appropriate learning games or other craft supplies that you no longer need that we could use in our learning centers we would appreciate it.
Also I am hoping to keep learning center supplies in small plastic totes - like shoebox size or slightly larger with lids...If you have any to share let me know.
If we get what we need donated we will not need to pay a supply fee :-)

So if this all looks good to you and you would like your child to participate then you need to please get them signed up :-) I need to know how many children to count on!
Simply email me with their name and age:
Feel free to contact me with further questions!
Looking forward to having fun learning with your little ones!
Juli Bounds

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