Friday, July 29, 2016

Co-op Classes for all ages!

Friday classes are moving to Tuesday! We plan to have classes for all ages like we did last year. However, we have a new location--Madison Park Christian Church. We will be able to use the gym, outdoor fenced in playground, garage stage room, tabled entry area and 8 classrooms (including a nursery).

Coming up THIS Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Back to School Kick-Off 6:30pm at Apostolic Christian Church, 100 County Rd 313, Taylor, MO.  Kirk Smith from ICHE will have a short informational talk, and tables will be set up for groups to highlight their activities! We will also have time to fellowship and eat ice cream treats. Please encourage anyone you know that is interested in homeschooling to attend. Also, we would love to have as many families attend who have been a part of our group already.  The goal of the board is to have new families be inspired by this kick off, so we need as many existing families to attend as possible! Amanda Werries