Sunday, August 26, 2018

Co op Details (original email with some revisions)

TEACH Friday Co op Details
What a great line up of classes are available! Thank you so much to the generous mamas who have offered to teach this semester - their desire is to serve our homeschool community as the body of Christ & provide support for TEACH families.  
*Classes begin on Friday, September 7 & are a la carte; you may pick & choose the ones you want to take & fees are due the first day of co op. We will meet 11 weeks first semester & 12 the second.
September 7, 14, 21, 28 January 11, 18, 25
October 12, 19 February 1, 15, 22
November 2, 16, 30 March 1, 8, 22, 29
December 7, 14 April 5, 12
*We will be meeting at St. John's Cathdral on Payson Road - a beautiful location just 6 minutes from the Broadway Hyvee!
*We currently do not have teachers for high school - but if you would like to offer a class please contact us so we can set it up! 
*Each teacher is paid individually in full on the first day of class. If you need other arrangements please don't hesitate to talk to the teachers! We are all happy to work with you & will do what we can to help. There will be helpers keeping track of payments the first day so the teachers can focus on their students
*12-14 students per class except Drama, which can take 30**
*Everyone has a job, no matter how small! Please let me know with your registration what you would like to do (your top 2 choices, in case your first is already taken):
-set up crew (2 needed): take pics of church classroom set ups, send to clean up crew, & set up room for co op. This may require setting up a table & some chairs, nothing too difficult & the pictures won't need to be done after the first week or two bc clean up crew will know what to do by then).
-clean up crew (2): puts everything back where it goes, sweeps as needed, quick wipe down of bathrooms, lights off, doors locked - we can all help with this too!
-lost & found (1): gathers left over papers, coats, lunchboxes etc & brings back the next week. Donates unclaimed items at the end of the semester. Contact this person if you've lost something!
-substitutes (2): available to fill in if a teacher or her children are sick/on vacation/etc.
-name tags (1): we will have necklace-type nametags for each child with name, emergency contact info & classes taking. This helper will have a table out each Friday to hand out nametags & then collect them at the end of the day.
-hall helper (1 each hour=6): helps children find their way to/from bathrooms, assists as needed if a teacher needs an extra hand in a class, generally available
This is a time for our fellowship as well! While you are welcome to leave Co op, you are also welcome to hang around & visit, assist in a class, or observe.  Lunchtime will also be an opportunity for fellowship - parents will need to be at Co op during that time or have another parent responsible for supervising their children. The playground & field will be available for children to run & play during their lunch break - as long as they are supervised by their parent/guardian for the day! There will be no running around the church at any time...we must all watch over each other's children for their protection as well as protection for the church grounds & property. If we are able to leave the church as good or better than we find it & treat the space with respect, they will be happy to have us there & that is what we want. They are not charging us for use of the space, but we will collect a free will love offering at the end of each semester.
Finally, on the subject of respect: nametags will have your child's schedule, your contact info, & 3 boxes; essentially 3 strikes & you're out. If a child is being disruptive or disrespectful a teacher may mark a box as a warning. If 3 boxes are marked either by the same teacher or various teachers throughout the day, the parent will be called & will need to sit with their child for the remainder of classes that day. Then the slate is wiped clean for the next week & they can try again. However, if this happens a second time, their parent will need to sit with them for all classes the remainder of the semester in order to participate in Co op.
In service & love,
Shannon Jarvis

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