Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Boys Basketball starting up this winter

This winter I would like to start up a boys Saints basketball program.  We are going to start with an elementary league this year (6th grade down to possibly 1st grade if there is enough interested).  The plan moving forward is to build into a Jr. High team next year as the players get older.  I want to start with elementary so we can develop players for the older more competitive leagues.  I will continue to coach moving up with the oldest team as they grow and if there is interest in keeping the younger groups going I will need other coaches to step up. 

The plan for this year is to play with the YMCA league.  They are allowing us to bring whole teams into their league bringing our own coaches.  We can have a 5th and 6th grade team, a 3rd & 4th grade team and 1st and 2nd grade team.  Games will be played on Saturdays starting January 12 and going till around March 2 depending on how many teams the YMCA has this year.  Obviously the number of teams we have will be determined by the number of interested players and coaches.  Please let me know if you are interested in coaching.  With homeschooling sometimes grades and ages don’t coincide so the oldest player’s birthday has to be after Sept. 1, 2006 to meet the 6th grade requirement the YMCA has on age limits.  The fee is not yet confirmed as it depends on how many players we get and what all equipment we need to buy to get started.  At this point I am guessing it is going to be around $75 to $100 per player.  In the future we will look into organizing a sponsorship program to help keep costs down as Jr. High basketball will be more expensive.  As always this will take an adult leadership team committed to the Saints basketball program so if you are interested in helping organize details to make this go please let me know.

There will be paperwork that we need to collect in the future to confirm one’s interest but I wanted to get word out now and get input as to how many guys are interested in playing.  This will help with planning.  Please email me back expressing your interest, age(s) and the grade(s) of your boy(s).  This is not a commitment at this point but your response will help give direction as to who and what the possibilities are for this year’s league.  Please let me know of your possible interest by next Saturday, Sept. 22nd.  If you have any questions please feel free to ask.  My email address is

I am really looking forward to this opportunity for our boys.

In Christ,
Brian Hess

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