Sunday, July 15, 2018

TEACH-ing Fridays Co-op

Here is the (mostly) finalized plan for co op this fall! We'll have class descriptions sent out ASAP so you can decide which classes you'd like....many more details to follow in yahoo group so be CHECKING YOUR EMAILS!  Enrollment is limited to maintain small class sizes ;0)

Classes begin on Friday, September 7 - see you on Monday July 23 for Back to School Night from 6-8pm!!!

Mom's Night Out - July Edition

 This month we'll be meeting at Panera from 6-8 on Monday, July 30.  In the fall we plan to have a topic each month to discuss - for now let's just meet for a meal & chat!

Time for the (not) Back to School Picnic!!!

One week from tomorrow!  Monday, July 23 from 6-8pm - popsickles provided - otherwise BYOF (bring your own food!) or eat before you come :0)

We'll have sign ups for TEACH & as well as tables available for selling curriculum & sports info.