Quincy Area Christian Home Educators (QACHE)
Parent Informational Meeting for 2015-16 Academic Year
QACHE falls under the Illinois Christian Home Educators. You can go on the Illinois Christian Home Educators’ website www.iche.org and sign up to receive their free homeschool magazine. Our group number is 299728. Mention this number when joining the Home School Legal Defense (HSLDA) www.hslda.org and get a discount on your membership.
Why join QACHE?
- Email notification of all QACHE activities
- Support and encouragement
- Fellowship with other homeschool families
- Social activities/fieldtrips
- Educational information and ideas
- Group learning opportunities
Membership Benefits
- Yearbook
- Family Directory
- Group emails
- Family Gymnastics Night
- DVD: Boot Camp
- Miscellaneous activity expenses subsidized
Remember it’s up to YOU to see that these suggestions and ideas happen. There is no prevailing committee
of people that organizes and makes things happen. This is YOUR group. If you would like suggestions or
advice about how to organize a specific event or activity from parents who have been in the group longer,
feel free to contact anyone on the executive committee and we’ll do our best to point you toward the
individuals who can give you the best information and help.
Executive Committee:
When it comes to homeschool activities and fieldtrips, please consider the following:
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody
would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did. Somebody got angry
about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody
could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t. It ended up that
Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
COMMUNICATION Contact Person Contact email
Email is for QACHE related material only. If you have something that is not a QACHE event, you may send it out one time through the group. Information sent should be informative, not a subjective opinion. If in doubt, please send to a member of executive committee for review.
Setting up your QACHE Yahoo account:
- Create a Yahoo ID if you do not already have one (remember to write down your Yahoo ID and password!) ☺
- You can enter your current email address as the Primary Address. All group emails will go to the primary
address set up on your Yahoo ID
- Accept the Invite you will receive asking to join the QACHE Yahoo group
- To send an email to everyone, just enter QACHE@yahoogroups.com in the “To” line of your email program
Accessing the QACHE Yahoo Group site:
- First sign into Yahoo
- If you need to change the email address used for QACHE, refer to the HOW TO document on the site under “Files”
Every family who completes a Family Membership Form will be listed in the directory. We realize there are many within our group who teach private lessons in various fine arts or have products or services to sell. If your family owns a business and you would like to be featured on our business page in the directory, please get all information to Cindy by September 14th. We also have an online business directory on the database section of the QACHE site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/QACHE/database. Support our homeschool entrepreneurs!
Picture day will be October 19th at Rock Church. Watch for details via email.
2nd coordinator needed!
Thanks for your help in making our QACHE yearbook a wonderful portfolio of homeschool memories!
EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT Contact person Contact email
Book It! Reading Incentive Program
Motivate your Kindergarten-6th grader to read by rewarding their reading accomplishments with praise, recognition and fun! Individual family enrollment via website: http://bookitprogram.com/Enrollment/homeschool.asp
Must enroll by September 1st. Free enrollment!
Iowa Test of Basic Skills (Spring) Coordinator needed! (must have four year degree)
Muddy River Children’s Opera at JWCC, Mary Ellen Orr Auditorium. Date TBA
Quincy Symphony Young People’s Concert at Baldwin Intermediate School – Date TBA
Fall & Spring Concert TBA
Quincy Symphony Orchestra Season Tickets
Children attend free! You may contact the symphony office at 217-222-2856 for ticket and concert information.
Quincy Park Band
Free concerts all summer, every summer and one at Christmastime! For more information and a concert schedule see www.quincyparkband.com
Teen Pact – Government Leadership School
GROUP LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Contact person Contact email
Weekly classes combine a Biblical worldview and classical tools of learning as paid tutors equip parents and e encourage students. In Foundations, parents accompany the students through classes where fun methods are
used to “train the brain to retain” foundational facts from six subject areas. Essentials focuses on the essential
principles of sentence structure as well as creative writing and arithmetic drills. The Challenge levels challenge
students to gain mastery as they spend a full day in community discussing, presenting, and learning together.
Foundations meets 9 am – noon; Essentials meets 1 pm – 3 pm; Challenge 8:45 am – 3:30 pm at Cornerstone Baptist Church, 7918 Hwy MM, Hannibal. 1st Sem. begins Tuesday, Aug 25; 2nd Sem. begins Jan 5
(Formerly Bright Beginnings, KWEST & TWIST) To be held Fridays 1:00-3:30 PM at Lighthouse Baptist Church
More details TBA.
7th-12th graders are given a challenge and work together as a team to build a robot that will perform the
Fridays from 3:30 – 5:00 at Klingner and Associates' office, located on the corner of 24th and College.
ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES Contact person Contact email
Girls: TBA
Girls 3rd-6th
Pom and flag team for girls age six and older. October – February.
Swimming lessons one day a week for 8 weeks. You pick Mon or Wed or can sign up for both.
Preschool: 9:00-9:45am. School age: 9:50-10:35am. Most Advanced: 11:00-12:00pm.
1st Session is week of 9/14 thru week of 11/2. 2nd session is week of 11/9 - 12/28.
Session cost for preschool and school age is $24 for Gold member, $28 for other member, $40 for non-member.
Session cost for most advanced is $30/$35/$50.
**You must register at the Kroc Center at least one week in advance or you will be charged more.Watch email for more details.
Free with family memberships. Non-members: 1st child $50, each additional child $20 per session
Session I: Sept. 10th -Oct. 15th, Registration will open August 8th.
Session 2: Oct. 22nd – Dec. 3rd (skip Nov. 26th)
FUND RAISING OPPORTUNITIES Contact person Contact email
Save your Box Tops and QACHE earns .10 for each one!
Cut out the UPC code (number should begin with 75…) from the label. If possible please group them in
packs of 50 and designate that they have been counted already. We receive 5¢ for each label.
MISC. FAMILY EVENTS / ACTIVITIES Contact person Contact email
6:30pm at Panera Bread. All homeschool moms are invited. Topic of discussion will be decided by those attending. Held 2nd Tuesday of each month.
An inspirational and informative one day seminar for homeschool parents. Free to QACHE members.
Saturday, Aug 29th from 8:30-3:30 pm at Quincy Mall’s Community Room
An all-time favorite family fun night! Mark your calendar: Friday April 15 from 6:30-9:30. Watch emails for details.
Saturday, September 19, 12-2pm at the Senior Center.
National Collection in November. Relay center is located at Faith Presbyterian Church. If you are interested in volunteering, or for more information, please contact Amy Lukens. For complete details:www.samaritanspurse.org
Fall Family Dinner/Spring Family Picnic - Coordinator(s) needed for either or both!
These two dinner events have been wonderful family get-togethers, and we have had some awesome
speakers and presentations. Please consider making either or both a priority for your family to attend.
Graduation Ceremony Coordinator needed!
Carnival Coordinator(s) needed!
A fun family event, usually held in late Spring as an end of the year party. Families run carnival style
booths, with everyone in attendance donating prizes to be handed out.Details in the Spring.
If you have a new fieldtrip idea, or would like to organize a fieldtrip, please do so! Simply check with Cindy Crist cristcindy@yahoo.com who oversees the QACHE calendar to be sure there is no major conflict with other events. Then send out a group email with your specific details, sign-up, etc. Remember: As coordinator of a field trip, please designate a photographer for submitting photos to the yearbook.
Fieldtrip ideas: This list is not exhaustive in any way. It is a combination of fieldtrips done in past years, as well as some of your suggestions for new fieldtrips.
Area Bank Tour Going Bonkers Library Quincy Herald Whig
Auntie Ann’s Pretzels Heartland Dairy Lock & Dam Tour Quincy Museum Tour
Buffalo Wild Wings Rest. HIS Ranch Mark Twain Cave Quincy Police Dept
Continental Cement Hummel Springs Mill Creek Farm R Pizza Farm Tour
Dot Foods KHQA or WGEM Old Tyme Assoc. Springfield IL Lincoln Sites
Edgewood Apple Orchard Klingele Vet Clinic Papa Johns Pizza Starbucks
Fire Safety House Knapheide Tour Quincy Fire Dept Tangerine Bowl
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